[Serccollaborators] Autonomous Systems Conformance Verification Tool (CVT)

Mitchell Kerman mitchell.kerman at stevens.edu
Tue May 19 14:36:04 EDT 2015

Dear SERC Collaborators:

     If you are interested in SE for autonomous systems, TARDEC has a
Conformance Verification Tool (CVT) [please see the e-mail below].

     Gary Witus is our POC in this regard since Wayne State University
is a NAMC member.  If you are interested in this, please inform me and I
will coordinate our interest with Gary.

Best regards,

Mitchell C. Kerman, Ph.D.
Director of Program Development and Transition
Systems Engineering Research Center (SERC)
Stevens Institute of Technology
Altorfer Building, Room 319
Castle Point on Hudson
Hoboken, NJ 07030
(201) 618-4453  (Mobile)
E-mail:  mitchell.kerman at stevens.edu
Website:  www.SERCuarc.org

                                Conformance Verification Tool (CVT)
                                                     NAMC Members:
                                   This email is for any interested
                                     NAMC member to submit a brief,
                                       one-to-two page application
                                       expressing your interest in
                                      receiving and using prototype
                                    versions of an Interoperability
                                    Profiles (IOP) software program
                                     developed by TARDEC called the
                                      Conformance Verification Tool
                                       The CVT is used to validate
                               conformance of an IOP implementation
                               to the attributes defined in the IOP
                                JAUS Profiling Rules specification.
                               The CVT acts as a client to a system
                                      under test similar to what an
                               Operator Control Unit (OCU) would be
                                 – it sends a series of messages to
                                the system under test and looks for
                                correct responses, displaying those
                                results for the tester.  The CVT is
                                    one of the tools the TARDEC UGV
                               Interoperability Lab uses as part of
                                        its process for validating
                                conformance to JAUS Profiling Rules
                                 TARDEC wants to distribute the CVT
                                       to NAMC member companies and
                                        organizations that have or
                                   anticipate being involved in IOP
                                development efforts for them to use
                                            in-house, and who meet
                                   qualifications on their provided
                                application.  TARDEC is doing so in
                                                        order to:
                                        * Assist companies in their
                                         efforts to develop systems
                                        and software compliant with
                                                    IOP attributes
                                          * Provide feedback to the
                                        TARDEC UGV Interoperability
                                            Lab on their use of the
                                                     prototype CVT
                                       * Accelerate future official
                                       compliance testing by making
                                       available the same tool that
                                                    the TARDEC UGV
                                       Interoperability Lab uses as
                                            part of its process for
                                       validating compliance to IOP
                                  Member Obligations for the CVT --
                                      Submitting NAMC members whose
                                   applications are selected by the
                                Government to receive a copy of the
                                          CVT will be required to:
                                             * Execute the attached
                                         agreement and abide by its
                                           terms and conditions for
                                                     using the CVT
                                      * Install and use the CVT for
                                       the purpose they identified.
                                       [NOTE:  any results from the
                                         CVT are not an endorsement
                                        of a company’s product, and
                                              do not certify that a
                                          company’s product is “IOP
                                             compliant” or meet the
                                         requirements of a specific
                                               project or program.]
                                        * Provide a brief, 1-2 page
                                        response at least quarterly
                                       to provide feedback on their
                                          experience using the CVT.
                                       Participating companies that
                                             fail to provide such a
                                           quarterly report will be
                                               removed from the CVT
                                          distribution/support list
                                           and will not receive any
                                       further updates of the CVT. 
                                       Request for Applications --
                               NAMC members interested in using the
                                     prototype CVT are requested to
                                    submit a brief, one-to-two page
                                       application specifying their
                                 interest in and qualifications for
                               using the CVT.  The applications are
                                  due by 5PM EDT on May 29th, 2015.
                               All applications should be submitted
                                  via e-mail in PDF format to Cindi
                                    Bousley,  cindib at ncms.org.  The
                                   applications will be reviewed by
                               TARDEC in order to ensure submitting
                                         NAMC member companies and
                               organizations meet qualifications to
                                                  receive the CVT.
                                   Format for the Application is as
                                 follows (qualifications to receive
                                   CVT are evaluated based on these
                                                1. Company Primary
                                         Contract/Admin & Technical
                                       POC(s) – name, title, phone,
                                                       and e-mail 
                                      2. Company Background – size;
                                               location(s); whether
                                                    traditional or
                                            non-traditional defense
                                               supplier; one to two
                                          paragraph overview of the
                                              company:  background,
                                             products and services,
                                                     history, etc.
                                    3. Interest/Experience in using
                                               the Interoperability
                                            Profiles – one to three
                                              paragraphs describing
                                          previous, current, and/or
                                         planned efforts to use IOP
                                           to develop interoperable
                                              platforms and modules
                                       4. Response to Obligations –
                                         one to three paragraphs on
                                       how your company proposes to
                                         use the CVT (be specific) 
                                                  5. Key Personnel
                                              Qualifications  – one
                                           paragraph summary of the
                                       technical qualifications for
                                                   each of the key
                                          individual(s) responsible
                                              for coordinating your
                                          company’s use of the CVT 
                               Process for Selected NAMC Members --
                                   TARDEC will be responsible for: 
                                         *  Executing a copy of the
                                              attached terms of use
                                        agreement with the selected
                                                      NAMC members
                                          * Distributing the CVT to
                                              qualified NAMC member
                                        companies and organizations
                                          that execute the attached
                                             terms of use agreement
                                     * Providing limited support to
                                        the participating companies
                                       for installing and using the
                                             * Providing a report /
                                           questionnaire format and
                                          process for participating
                                        companies to use to provide
                                               feedback on the CVT 
                                      * Evaluating reports received
                                       from participating companies
                                         and using those reports to
                                             fix bugs, make feature
                                               improvements, etc. 
                                       * Providing regular bug fix,
                                          improvement/addition, and
                                        new IOP Version releases of
                                       the CVT to the participating
                                               companies, at least
                                       This effort will begin upon
                                      Government acceptance of this
                                   proposal and end by December 31,
                                2015, at which time a decision will
                                be made whether to renew the effort
                                                 for another year.
                                  Please contact Cindi Bousley with
                                  any questions, comments, or other
                                  feedback preferably in writing.  
                                                     Best Regards,
                                                     Cindi Bousley
                                        National Advanced Mobility
                                                 Consortium (NAMC)
                                       Membership Services Manager
                                                   cindib at ncms.org
                                          cindib at NAMConsortium.org
                                                       CVT document
                                                      Terms of Use 
                                                   Cindi Bousley
                        National Advanced Mobility Consortium (NAMC)
                                       Membership Services Manager
                                                 cindib at ncms.org
                                          cindib at NAMConsortium.org
                         Copyright © 2015 NAMC, All rights reserved.
          As a NAMC member, you are automatically registered for email
                                   opportunities, alert, and news.
                                          Our mailing address is:
                                             3025 Boardwalk Drive
                                              Ann Arbor, Mi 48108

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