[Sgdc] Stevens Game Development Competition

sgdc at lists.stevens.edu sgdc at lists.stevens.edu
Mon Nov 3 18:51:21 EST 2008

Hello Game Developers,

Last Tuesday we had a meeting to create a game development competition.
Here's what resulted from that meeting:

Who can participate?
Everyone at Stevens!
We'll gather some clubs and make sure they're aware of the event. (C2GS,
Entertainment, WCPR)
All CS students should be notified by email. Hopefully DJD can help us out
with this.

I'll talk to Microsoft about sending us some cool prizes and perhaps SGDC
will provide some budget for purchasing gift certificates.
* Most Intense Game (most developed)
* Funnest Game! Evar
* Most Original Design
* Longest Game
* Game with most PPS
* ...and Best Effort

When will the competition take place?
The games must be submitted on Jan 29th 2009.
The fun starts whenever you'd like!

Who will judge the game?
Professional Game Designers!

What are the teams like?
Max of 2 people per game, individual submissions preferred.
However teams can share code if they like each other.

I will be making a facebook group and poster for the event which will be
posted around campus in the coming weeks. If anyone would like to offer some
help please let me know.


"I'm not even angry,
I'm being so sincere right now."

Theodore M. Reed
Alpha Sigma Phi - Brotherhood Development Chair
Information Technology Consultant
Microsoft Student Partner
Stevens Institute of Technology
(609) - 287 - 0534
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