[Sgdc] Room Hours

Kenneth Goff kgoff at stevens.edu
Fri Mar 2 09:25:21 EST 2012


Like I mentioned at the meeting, I want to have our room open at least a
couple hours a week to give everyone an opportunity to get together and
work on stuff in the same place. I will have the room open from 6-8pm this

Depending on what time I get out of work, I may open it up today as well
(probably somewhere around 2-5pm) so make sure to check your email in the
afternoon for an update.

The only time I have open during the week is Mondays between 6-8pm and
Wednesdays between 6-9pm, so depending on Dan's availability during the
week, these are the only times for me to keep the room open regularly (I'll
probably spontaneously open it up on the weekends when I feel like it).

See you Sunday,
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