[Sgdc] Game Development Groups & Resources

Kenny Goff goff.kenneth at gmail.com
Fri Sep 20 13:55:39 EDT 2013

Hey all,

Sorry for the lengthy info, but bear with me.

As previously mentioned, we have a *GitHub organization for
on which we will be hosting repos for projects such as my snake game and
the Stevens RPG. I would like everyone to make a GitHub account (if you do
not already have one) and let me know your username so I can add you to the

On this organization is a repository called
This is still currently in development, but the slides for last
Tuesday's *Thunderbolt
Talks* <https://github.com/sgdc/education/tree/master/ThunderboltTalks> are
on there. In addition, I have started adding useful links to the *education
repo's Wiki* <https://github.com/sgdc/education/wiki>.

We also set up "crews" to make sure that everyone who wants to learn
something has someone to go to with questions and help. Those in bold are
the "go-to guys" to ask questions about a platform. Remember, these are not
locked in forever. Its really just a way of organizing for our own sake and
making sure you have someone to go to when you need help. *If your crew
"leader" hasn't contacted you yet, please let me know, and I'll make sure
they do promptly.* *And if you want to be added to a crew, please let me
know now.*

*Haxe*: Kenny Goff, Matt Konstantinou, Erich Polixa

*Art*: Frank DiCola, Kenny Goff

*Unity*: Frank DiCola, Gamal Mohamed, Matt Lagarenne, Cian, Tim Barbara,
Jason Gordella, Bredan Reis, Mark Fleres

*Native*: Vinnie Simonetti

*Java*: Jeremy Bassi

*HTML5*: Brian Ridings

*AS3*: Paul Dicola (Kenny Goff)
*Python*: Justin Miller (Brian Ridings)

Make Games,

PS: Artists, or those interested in art, contact me asap, so Frank and
myself can discuss with you our options, and what type of art you want to
do (2D, 3D, modelling, texturing, hand-drawn, etc)
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