[SGDC] Meeting Tomorrow

Kenny Goff goff.kenneth at gmail.com
Mon Sep 30 14:55:03 EDT 2013

Burchard 127 at 9:00pm as always.

We're going to start off the night with Show Off day. Basically, anyone who
wants to show off a current or previous game can (demo, talk about, show
concept art, etc). If you've been working on a game to learn a new platform
with SGDC members, that's also suggested and encouraged to share what
you've done so far. So bring your laptop with the game or have it hosted
online if you want to Show Off.

I also want to get people set up on GitHub, and start getting the SGDC org
going with some new projects if people want to contribute to the code there.

After that we'll just have dev time to work on projects, and discuss recent
news like SteamOS and the Steam controller.

Make Games,
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