[SGDC] Meeting Tonight

Kevin Quigley kquigley at stevens.edu
Tue Nov 11 10:08:22 EST 2014

Hello SGDC,
I hope those who attended the opening ceremony of the Game Jam yesterday
had fun and came up with some good ideas for a game. We have already had
one submission! Congratulations to Pat Grasso and Adam Gincel, who will
become active treasurer and secretary beginning next semester. Because we
are mid-game jam, tonight's meeting will still be at 9 pm but will be a
work meeting. I will not be there and there will be no agenda. Jason will
be coming to setup the JAM for those who wish to do Jacobus work, plus it's
a nice place to chill while working on your game jam games. Good luck! See
you all Friday at 8 pm!
-Kevin Quigley
SGDC President
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