[SGDC] [IMPORTANT] Tomorrow's Meeting

Kevin Quigley kquigley at stevens.edu
Mon Nov 30 16:26:36 EST 2015

To clarify,
2/3 meaning 2 out of the last 3 meetings and 1/2 meaning 1 out of the last
2 events.

On Mon, Nov 30, 2015 at 4:24 PM, Kevin Quigley <kquigley at stevens.edu> wrote:

> Hello SGDC,
> Some of you have heard a rumor circulating that there will not be a
> meeting tomorrow, this is *false*. Because of a major complication, we
> were planning to move the meeting, however, that complication is no longer
> a concern.
> As such, *the election meeting will be, as originally scheduled, Tuesday,
> December 1 at 9 pm in Lieb 120. *If we cannot get in to 120 for some
> reason, we will use 318/319 as a backup. Please make your best effort to be
> at this meeting so that we can have quorum and vote.
> As a reminder, a voting member must have attended 2/3 meetings and 1/2
> events, and we are counting both Learn Jam III and either ceremony of Game
> Jam VI as having attended one of the last two events. A complete list of
> voting members may be sent out later, but either way attendance is
> encouraged.
> See you all tomorrow!
> -Kevin Quigley
> SGDC President
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