Jake Lovrin jlovrin at stevens.edu
Tue Nov 7 15:16:11 EST 2017

Hello, one and all!

Apologies for the lengthy email today, but I've got to jam-pack this one to
make sure nobody misses anything. Here's the gist:

-- Tonight we meet in Fielding! I'll be bringing the power strip.

-- This meeting will be an open work session! Feel free to come relax, hang
out, and work on your game! If you're looking to test out controller
support, I'll be bringing my two controllers for people to test with.

-- eBoard nominations are still open and are closing soon! If you want to
nominate anyone including yourself, we are available by email or in person
at any time. The current nominations are as follows:

President - Jake Lovrin/Taber McFarlin
Vice President - Jake Lovrin/Taber McFarlin
Treasurer - Sam DeLorenzo/Jared Bass
Secretary - Sam DeLorenzo/Jared Bass

-- Game Jam XIV is currently in progress! Don't forget to upload your game
and make a new project for it on itch.io! Here's the link to the jam:
- The closing ceremony is Friday, 11/10 @ 7PM in BC122!

See you tonight!
Jake Lovrin
SGDC Secretary
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