Samantha DeLorenzo sdelore1 at stevens.edu
Tue Mar 6 16:58:14 EST 2018

Hey everyone!

We will be meeting tonight as usual in BC 122 at 9pm. We'll be discussing
and voting on the t-shirt designs that some of the club members have made.

In addition, we'll also be talking about having a Stevens alum and former
SGDC member, Frank DiCola, come to talk to us sometime in April about a
game he is currently working on called Where Shadows Slumber. Game info:

Lastly, nominations for eboard positions will be opening up tonight. The 4
positions are President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary. If you
have any questions, or would like to nominate yourself or someone else in
the club, feel free to email the eboard at sgdc at stevens.edu

See you all tonight!
Sam DeLorenzo
SGDC Secretary
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