Quinn Corcoran qcorcora at stevens.edu
Tue Feb 26 15:08:30 EST 2019

game jam wrap up
prize winners announced
discussion about future meetings

Hello everyone!
Hope your day is going well, thank you to everyone who participated in the
game jam or came out to support it! Hope you all enjoyed it and look
forward to future events. Speaking of which, voting for Game Jam E will
close at 5:00 pm today so if you haven't voted yet and wish to please do so
soon. In other news, tonight we will be announcing the winners of the game
jam and handing out the prizes. Afterward, we are going to open the floor
up to you guys to see what you would like to see from us in the coming
weeks at future meetings, so please start brainstorming ideas.
Hope to see you all there,
Quinn M Corcoran
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