[SHPC] Eboard Nominees

SHPC E-Board shpc.eboard at gmail.com
Fri Mar 25 10:21:58 EDT 2016

Hey everyone,

We hope you are having a great spring break so far! Here is the list of
nominations that we received for Eboard positions:

President: Janelle Welkie, Anu Sapkota, Omar Sarhan, Erini Christodoulou
Vice President: Janelle Welkie, Anu Sapkota, Omar Sarhan
Secretary: Soindas Abdah
Treasurer: Mohammed Mustafa, Sara Braqi
Historian: Sara Braqi, Veronica Pidduck, Soindos Abdah
Social Chair: Sara Braqi
SGA Rep: Soindos Abdah

*It is important to remember that voting begins with the Presidential
position and nominees can slide down to run for a lower position if they
are not elected. As you can see, some of you were nominated for multiple
positions but you can trickle down and run for any position if you are not
elected for position you are running for.
*Nominees should prepare a 2-3 minute speech detailing why you would be a
strong eboard member. You can talk about specific skills you have, prior
experience in leadership, ideas you want implement, etc.

Enjoy the weekend and see you all at the elections on Wednesday!!

SHPC eboard
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