[SHRC] parts orders

Victor Lipnicki vlipnick at stevens.edu
Sun Apr 4 02:52:21 EDT 2010

I have ordered the following parts:


The Microchip PIC16F877A X10
SKU: PIC16F877A			$79.50
0.600" wide 40 Pin DIP Socket Carrier X10
SKU: DC-40W Pin			$7.50


Transceiver nRF24L01+ Module with Chip Antenna X4      $79.80

I have confirmations for both orders. The radios will arrive on Monday, 
and the chips and sockets should arrive by midweek. 
Therefore, this week we should focus on figuring out how to get the 
chips to talk to each other and what additional passive components we 

Victor Lipnicki
President of the Stevens Hobby Robotics Club

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