[SHRC] Fwd: Be Part of the Hoboken Hackerspace

Marty Burns mburns1350 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 6 18:47:17 EST 2012

Hey all,

Just a quick message about a new organization starting up in Hoboken that
you all might be interested in!

Hello, SHRC roboticist!

We're putting a hackerspace in Hoboken - a place for coders, artists,
hackers, and makers to build crazy projects, access tools, meet awesome
people, trade skills, and hang out through many a caffeine-fueled night.

If you're the type who pulls all-night coding marathons, solders for fun,
knows the Arduino back to front, or bends technology into art, you're just
our type. You'll gain access to more space and tools; friends to help with
projects, bounce ideas off, or just play games against; as well as a hell
of a cool place to hang out.

Be part of a project to turn a warehouse into a space to create, and make a
Hoboken fixture. Check out Resistor NYC and Noisebridge to get an idea of
what we're making!

Come to our first meeting this Friday, bring whatever you're working on,
and learn more. We're meeting at 6 this Friday at Mission 50 - that's the
penthouse of 50 Harrison St. RSVP on Meetup and learn more at
http://www.meetup.com/Hoboken-Hackerspace/events/49836382/ .

Hope to see you there,

Zack Freedman

yourstruly at zackfreedman.com


Marty Burns
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