[Stevens Italian Club] Italian Club - 10/9 Meeting

Gina gfiorenz at stevens.edu
Wed Oct 10 22:16:14 EDT 2007

Hey all,

   If you didn't make the meeting, here's the scoop....

1) Constitution - will be voted on next Sunday at 7 at the SGA meeting 
(Fielding) - if anyone wants to come and show some support, that would 
be great...
2) Bocci Games - Wed 17 Oct 2007 - 2-6pm - should we buy a set or just 
use borrowed ones?
   A typical set costs between $50 and $100 - should we have our budget 
be 2 of these?
   Are we giving out prizes (candy, cheap medals)?
3) Halloween Party with other schools - check out the e-mail from Pete 
that has all the info - let us know asap if you want to go - if you did 
not receive that e-mail, let me know
4) Steven's Halloween Party - what dish should the Italian Club bring? - 
everyone must wear a costume
5) T-shirts - we have a general design - sizes will be taken later
6) Do we want to have a food festival in the spring?
7) We also want to check out the Leonardo Da Vinci exhibit in the 
library - we are working on getting an appointment for that

That's basically it. I'll send out another e-mail later about the next 


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