[Themaintainers] Maintenance Art

Cowan, Ruth S rcowan at sas.upenn.edu
Fri Sep 16 23:13:56 EDT 2016

You may be interested in this review of the retrospective exhibit of the work of Mierle Laderman Ukeles, whose work was discussed twice at The Maintainers conference in April: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/16/arts/design/an-artist-redefines-power-with-sanitation-equipment.html

The review had a different title in the print version: Redefining Power With Everyday Labor.  I'd love to know which title came first and why the change was made.

Ukeles was a college classmate of mine, although her first name at the time was Miriam, not Mierle.  I'd also love to know why the piece refers to her time (and her difficulties) at Pratt Institute but not to the fact that she graduated from Barnard College (which is also in Manhattan) in 1961. Our yearbook lists her as a history major!

Ruth Schwartz Cowan
Janice and Julian Bers Professor Emerita
History and Sociology of Science
University of Pennsylvania

rcowan at sas.upenn.edu

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