[Themaintainers] Open panel at 4S 2019: Is STS an Innovation Discipline? Bridging Critique and Practice

E.F. Spero efs8 at mit.edu
Tue Jan 15 08:59:58 EST 2019

Open panel at 4S 2019: Is STS an Innovation Discipline? Bridging Critique
and Practice

We invite you to join our open panel at the upcoming 4S meeting in New
Orleans, "Is STS an Innovation Discipline?" This panel is especially
relevant for maintenance studies. Our goal is to critically and
productively question the relationship of STS as a field to innovation,
maintenance, and social change. The official deadline for accepted panels
is Feb1, but we would like to start coordinating as early as possible.
Please feel free to and circulate this call, and email us (efs8 at mit.edu,
mwisnios at vt.edu)
86. Is STS an Innovation Discipline? Bridging Critique and Practice

*Matthew Wisnioski, Virginia Tech*

*Ellan Spero, MIT & Station1*

This panel explores the ambiguous relationship between STS and innovation.
Innovation is increasingly contested: it is heralded as a driver of
technology, economy, and human empowerment, but it is also maligned as a
destructive force that privileges novelty above all. STS has played a key
role in the making and unmaking of innovation. STS scholars have challenged
the concept of innovation, problematized its association with neoliberal
economic and political forces, and posited alternative values for
structuring science and technology. STS also has been a source of
innovation expertise. From actor-network theory to “midstream modulation,”
STS scholars have asked where knowledge, artifacts, and practices come from
and how they travel. Moreover, there is a related tradition of STS scholars
who seek to transform the values and practices of innovation from within
laboratories, corporations, government agencies, and educational
institutions. We invite contributors from these varied approaches to engage
in reflective critique of STS itself in order to foster productive
exchanges and practical outcomes. We welcome contributions that address
(but are not limited to):

   - The role of STS as a change-oriented field
   - How STS concepts circulate across disciplines and fields of practice
   - Case studies that highlight the complexities of hybrid professional
   - Examples of tools and methods for STS “in action”


Ellan F. Spero, Ph.D.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
efs8 at mit.edu

Co-Founder and Chief Curriculum Officer
ellan at station1.org

Twitter (@ellanfei) <https://twitter.com/ellanfei> LinkedIn
<https://www.linkedin.com/in/ellan-spero-b1126a18/> Skype: efspero
(she, her, hers)
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