[Themaintainers] Still Working -- radio and podcast series on work

Kevin Brown kevin.brown723 at gmail.com
Sat Jan 26 13:53:27 EST 2019

Hi Maintainers,

I was inspired by the exchange on this listserv about the workshops on
Capital Hill to pass along a link to radio series created, reported, and
produced by me and my colleague, Margaret J. Krauss. The series is called
"Still Working" and, in homage to Studs Terkel's *Working*, it explores
"what people do all day and how they feel about what they do."

The show explores life at work in western Pennsylvania through immersive
interviews. In our most recent episode, "Road Work Ahead," we profiled a
public bus operator, street sign craftsman, and a hot dog vendor.

You can find our most recent episode (and some photographs) here (as well
as on iTunes and google play podcasts):

The main page for the show is:

Next month's episode will be explicitly geared around the theme of
"maintenance" -- stay tuned!

-Kevin Brown

Kevin C. Brown
Co-producer, Still Working
Airing on 90.5 WESA, Pittsburgh's NPR news station
kevin.brown723 at gmail.com
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