[Themaintainers] Maintenance Community Framework Survey - Follow Up

Lauren Dapena Fraiz laurendf at themaintainers.org
Tue Jun 1 16:27:47 EDT 2021

Dear friends of the Maintainers Community,

Thank you for participating in our call for community feedback. We value
your insights and suggestions regarding our Maintenance Community
Framework. All of your comments were extremely helpful, and we appreciate
the time you put into this request. Here are some highlights from your


   The majority of respondents feel represented by our proposed spheres of
   maintenance and would be willing to participate in Maintenance Communities.

   Several respondents emphasized the focus on people, and felt the idea of
   self-maintenance and maintenance of humans were important to explore.

   There were several questions raised on how to understand the
   Maintainers’ network, our audience, and how to understand the role of
   Maintainers Central concerning them.

   Some appreciated us laying out a detailed framework and specific
   guidelines. Others struggled with certain jargon (e.g. “action research
   cycle”) and felt it needed more clarity.

   Several were interested in organizing efforts other than Maintenance
   Communities, including promoting collaborations with maintenance-focused
   industries, scientific studies on maintenance negligence, or developing
   evaluations and measures to assess maintenance.

   Some raised concerns on the need to protect from malicious communities
   and suggested a baseline code of conduct/agreement, or more explicit
   guidelines on what is to be expected from community members.

   Maintenance spheres of interest include health, human maintenance
   (self-care/wellbeing), career development across ages, community
   infrastructures, public spaces, schools, environment, social groups, human
   relationships, open-source software, manufacturing, gaming, art, and
   creative fields.

These past few months, we have reviewed and incorporated your feedback in
our organizational planning process. Shortly after collecting your answers,
we convened our Advisory Committee for the first time. Since then we have
had two meetings, and your thoughtful feedback was instrumental in shaping
the agenda of these organizational planning discussions.

For the remainder of the year, you can expect an increase in communications
(including a quarterly newsletter) that will provide more information on
the work that has been taking place on our end. Some updates include a call
for research fellows, share a code of community guidelines, and plan more
cross-discipline events concerning different spheres of maintenance, and
more to come soon!

Thank you, more to come soon, and take good care!

The Maintainers Central Team
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