[Themaintainers] Fwd: [IASSIST] Final Call For Papers: Special Issue IASSIST Quarterly

Paula Lackie plackie at carleton.edu
Wed Jun 16 14:54:02 EDT 2021

Related to the previous call - but without a budget:

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Trevor U Watkins via discuss list <discuss at lists.iassistdata.org>
Date: Tue, Jun 15, 2021 at 11:59 AM
Subject: [IASSIST] Final Call For Papers: Special Issue IASSIST Quarterly
To: discuss at lists.iassistdata.org <discuss at lists.iassistdata.org>

Greetings colleagues,

[Please accept my apologies for any duplicate postings]

[Please share this with any relevant fora and other colleagues you think
may be interested in submitting their work]

*Final Call for Papers: Systemic Racism in Data Practices IASSIST Quarterly*

Inspired by the work of Black scholars, technologists, and activists
including Dr. Safiya Noble, Yeshimabeit Milner, and Joy Buolamwini, *IASSIST
Quarterly* is publishing a special issue focusing on systemic racist
practices in data. We invite you to submit a proposal that discusses
anti-Blackness, anti-indigeneity, white supremacy, and racism against
minoritized and marginalized communities in data, research, tools, and
practices. Case studies, essays, book reviews, and articles will be

Topics of this issue include but are not limited to:

   - Implicit or explicit bias in AI and Machine Learning
   - Data activism
   - Anti-Indigeneity in big data
   - Decolonizing data and data science
   - Decolonizing scholarly data
   - Bias in data collection practices
   - Data and racial disparities in health sciences
   - Race and precision medicine
   - Racist practices in data reporting – Climate change, Covid-19, etc.
   reporting in marginalized communities
   - Ethics of algorithm design
   - Equity in data education – More inclusive (marginalized and
   underrepresented communities) -How do we improve this?
   - Theories or suggestions on fair, ethical or trustworthy AI


Submissions should be received by *August 31, 2021*. This issue is
co-edited by Jonathan Cain,
Columbia University, and Trevor Watkins, George Mason University. Authors
should adhere to *IASSIST* *Quarterly* instructions for authors and upload
manuscripts according to the IASSIST Quarterly submission guidelines. When
submitting make a note that you are submitting for the special issue. If
you have any questions or would like to pitch an idea of an article that
you are working on and whether it would be a good fit for this special
issue, please do not hesitate to contact both Jonathan Cain and Trevor
Watkins: joc2122 at columbia.edu and twatkin8 at gmu.edu.

IASSIST (International Association for Social Science Information Service
and Technology
an international organization of professionals working with information
technology and data
services to support research and teaching in the social sciences.

IASSIST Quarterly (iassistquarterly.com
is a peer-reviewed, indexed, open access quarterly
publication of articles dealing with social science information and data
services. ISSN: 2331-

Kind regards,


Trevor Watkins, MS, MCIS, MLIS, MIDT

Teaching and Outreach Librarian

Teaching and Learning Team

*2021 IMLS Fellow: IDEA Institute on Artificial Intelligence

Co-editor: IASSIST Quarterly Special Issue “Systemic Racism in Data

Technical Lead: Digital Initiatives Team, Project STAND Mellon Grant

Chair: Web Committee Project STAND

George Mason University Libraries

George Mason University

4400 University Drive
MS 1A6

Fairfax, Virginia 22030

E-mail: twatkin8 at gmu.edu

Phone: 703.993.2244

Web: https://trevorwatkins.info

Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Trevor_Watkins4

What I am reading for research: “Ontology, Epistomology, and Teology for
Modeling and Simulation Philosophical Foundations for Intelligent M&S
Applications,” Tolk, Andreas.

What I am reading for fun: “Interface Between Quantum Information and
Statistical Physics,” Nakahara, Mikio and Tanaka, Shu.

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