[Wcpr-members] This week

Matt Keyser mkeyser at stevens.edu
Tue Feb 17 12:09:11 EST 2009

Ladies and gentlemen,
this Wednesday there will be NO WCPR MEETING because we will be 
providing sound support for CSA's Chinese Lunar New Year event in 
Bissinger. If you are helping with setup, please arrive at the station 
at 7 PM. The event begins at 8:30, and runs until 11. Food will be served.
This Friday we will be holding a karaoke event for the Stevens Society 
of Mathematicians from 5 until 10 (that's not a misprint) in Kidde 104. 
Anyone who can donate some time to help run karaoke will be very much 
appreciated. Setup starts at 4.
Also, if you plan on attending the IBS Conference on March 6th, 7th and 
8th (http://www.frontiernet.net/~ibs/0-2009-IBS-NYC-schedule.htm) I need 
to know by Wednesday midnight. Admission costs will be covered by WCPR, 
but you'll need money for the PATH rides into NYC and food. You can 
attend all three days or just one, and we'll be organizing a group trip 
into the city for each day. If you want to become more involved at WCPR, 
or are just curious, the IBS conferences have been amazing resources for 
us in the past. If anything, go to hear Len Mailloux speak - he's 
awesome. If you plan on going, let us know which talks you'd like to 
attend. Hint: if you want an e-board position, pick talks related to 
that position. If you don't let us know, we'll schedule you for talks 
you won't like, just to be spiteful. Be prepared to take notes and 
report back later.

-Matt Keyser

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