[Wcpr-members] Meeting this week and BATTLE OF THE BANDS!

Robert May gm at wcpr.org
Tue Nov 1 11:40:05 EDT 2011

Hey everyone, BIG NEWS! LAPTOP CABLE IS FIXED! Yay! You can now return to
playing the new William Shatner album in its entirety on your shows. If you
want to join in a celebration of said album release, join us for our *usual
weekly meeting at 9:30PM *in the station.

Recent mobile unit booking: *EC Comedy Night* on *Thursday! *Basic setup,
Bissinger, nothing crazy. If you're free, *setup is at 8PM in the station*.

*BATTLE OF THE BANDS IS THIS FRIDAY!!! *Thanks to those who have already
signed on to help out, but we still need some extra hands! *Setup is at 3PM
in the station.* It sounds early, but we're doing full lights and sound, so
we'll have a lot to carry up! The event is scheduled to go to 10:30 or
11PM, so if you're not available to help set up, if you could help break
down then we can all get home earlier. It's going to be a lot of fun, and a
great way to get your feet wet doing live sound work.

Let me know if you have any questions about events or other station
happenings, and I'll see you all tomorrow!

Robert May
Banana Manager, WCPR
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