[Wcpr-members] This week's events and meeting.... and PIERCE WEEK!

Robert May gm at wcpr.org
Wed Sep 12 01:27:25 EDT 2012

Hey everybody! As usual, the weekly WCPR meeting will be *tonight
(Wednesday) at 9:30pm in the station!* If you are interested in *signing up
for a show*, or have already signed up and *need training* or *card access*,
please come by the meeting! We can help with all of that.

Also, the big news this week is that *WCPR Live in Pierce Week* is *NEXT
WEEK! *We'll be broadcasting live from the dining hall from the time they
open to the time they close, from Monday the 17th to Friday the 21st of
September. We always have loads of fun DJing in front of everyone, we give
away some awesome prizes, and it lets people know who we are and what we
do! For all current DJs, we highly recommend you do your show from Pierce.
As an added bonus, if you DJ for *5 or more hours, you get a free WCPR
shirt!* Definitely something cool in return for having fun. Win-win, if you
ask me... *Interested in signing up for a time slot? Go to
http://wcpr.org/signup RIGHT NOW *and snag your preferred time slots before
someone else does!

We have some events this week as well... *Two today!*
-The annual *Club Fair *will be held out on *Palmer Lawn* today from *2-5pm*.
If you're interested in showing the freshman and other people unfamiliar
with us how awesome WCPR is, *come by the station around 1pm* to help set
up! We'll be providing the soundtrack for the event, so we need members who
are ready to talk to new people and get them excited about WCPR! Please
come by if you can.
-Also this evening EC is hosting a *Comedy Night *in Bissinger, and we're
doing basic lights and sound. This is a great event for those looking for
an easy start to mobile units, so if you're interested in helping, come by
the* station at 8pm* to help set up.

That's all for now... *Get those Pierce Week signups going now!* See you
all tonight!

Robert May
General Manager, WCPR
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