[Choir] Invite Letters Help a.k.a. My legs feel like Jell-O...

Art Bryan Manabat amanabat at stevens.edu
Thu Apr 10 12:40:04 EDT 2008

Hello Choir,
UNITY show rehearsals have taken a toll on my legs, so I'll need your 
help personally delivering the concert invite letters to faculty and 
administration. They are on the chair outside Dave Z's office. Take one 
or two envelopes (or more if you want, especially the ones that all go 
to one floor) and try to go before 4pm today before they leave their 
offices. When you see them, say something like "Hi, I'm from the Stevens 
Choir. We have a concert next weekend on the 19th," and then hand them 
the letter. If no one's there, just go back to the music room and put it 
back in the pile. I'll re-deliver whatever is left tomorrow.

I've attached an Excel spreadsheet with the names and their office 
locations. If I listed a floor with many offices, ask a receptionist or 
secretary there for the specific room number.

Dave, would you be able to print this and leave it out with the 
envelopes so each person and can look up their destinations?

And here's a little jingle I wrote just for this occasion...

"Here your president for your help begs,
'Would you please now be my legs?'"

Speaking of which, to those of you in Drood, break a leg tonight! I'll 
be there on Saturday.

Thank you so much,
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