[Choir] O frabjous day!

breeves at stevens.edu breeves at stevens.edu
Sun Apr 17 23:58:21 EDT 2011

 Dear Choir,

 Congratulations on a wonderful, fun concert last night. I received myriad
enthusiastic compliments on the performance; people just had a great time.
"Jabberwocky" was a joy, the "Animal Crackers" were a hoot, "Lion King" was
compelling, "Seal" was lovely, and I am VERY proud of your work on that
challenging beauty, Lauridsen's "O Magnum." Well done indeed.

 And, the Alma Mater was LOUD! :-)

 Kudos also to all Stutes, duettists, falsettists, percussionists,
choreographers, readers and everyone else who pitched in above you are all
free like birdies (just not, I hope, like canaries).

 If I don't see you until fall, best wishes for a marvelous summer! And if
you're graduating and heading on, congratulations once again. I hope to see
you back for concerts whenever you can make it - and remember, the Stevens
Choir welcomes alumni members. If you're in the area and would like to
continue, talk to me. I'll need to keep your name in your folder. :-)

 Again - bravi tutti, everyone!

 All best,
 Bethany Reeves
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