[Choir] For graduating seniors only

breeves breeves at stevens.edu
Thu Feb 9 00:57:00 EST 2012

Dear Choir Seniors,

I understand there is a (quite expensive) event tomorrow evening (Thurs 
2/9), exclusively for graduating seniors, from 7-10. I have been asked 
by a couple of you if a compromise can be reached with Choir rehearsal.

It is important for the health of the ensemble that I prevent a 
"slippery slope" of ongoing exceptions regarding rehearsal attendance, 
particularly when a fair number of our singers are only in once per week 
to begin with. Further, we do have a performance coming up fast.

However, if it is very, very important to you personally to attend this 
event, I hereby extend the offer to leave at the break, which will be at 
8 or shortly afterwards.

I rely on your integrity to NOT take this as an opportunity to skip out 
of rehearsal at the break and go do something other than this particular 
event. Please make honor your guide. And, please write back to tell me 
if you do wish to attend the event. I need to know what forces will be 
in the room tomorrow evening for the latter half of rehearsal.


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