[Choir] Off-Center Dates - first up this weekend!

breeves breeves at stevens.edu
Mon Oct 15 12:29:02 EDT 2012

Dear Choir: the following is from Jackson Kelly of our bass section. If 
you haven't tried an Off-Center show, I recommend giving one or more a 
try. They're fun and crazy and creative. However, you'll have to be a 
few minutes late if any of these nights is a Choir night!


Hey Bethany,

Here are the dates for the upcoming Off-Center shows:

Skit Show 1 - 10/19 - 10/20, 9 pm, BC122 (comedy skits written by O-C 
Improv Show 1 - 10/26, 9 pm, probably Hayden Lounge (will alert you if 
not) (on-the-spot improvisation using suggestions from the audience)

Improv Show 2 - 11/30, 9 pm, probably Hayden Lounge (will alert you if 
Skit Show 2 - 12/6 - 12/7 or 12/7 - 12/8 (TBA), 9 pm, BC122



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