[Choir] To new Choir members (mostly), re music-reading

breeves breeves at stevens.edu
Mon Sep 10 11:14:22 EDT 2012

Dear Choir!

This is for those of you who could use an introduction to (or a good 
review of) the basic principles of music notation and how to read it.

Reading music isn't rocket science, I promise. It's just a matter of 
understanding how the graph we call a "staff" is set up (it's basically 
a graph, complete with X and Y axes), how relative durations (rhythms) 
are notated, and a few other things. After that, it's really all about 
USING the notation - about practice.

Really, anyone smart enough to be admitted to Stevens is plenty smart 
enough to acquire music-reading skill. Getting the basics down won't 
make you an instantaneously fabulous sight-reader, but you WILL have 
more fun and comprehension of what we're doing. :-)

I'd like to offer a couple sessions right after Choir, first on this 
coming Thursday, and then next Monday. We won't go past 10 pm. After 
next Monday, we'll see where we are. Please attend if you can.

Dr. Reeves

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