[Choir] FYI: Off Beat! - Musical Improv Group

breeves breeves at stevens.edu
Mon Dec 1 22:48:48 EST 2014

Dear Choir,

This musical announcement courtesy of Kevin Quigley and Adam Gincel, of 
our bari section:

Below is the information for anyone who may be interested in "Off
Beat!", the new musical improv club. 

Off Beat! is a club in the making which aims to perform full length (or
rather about an hour), entirely improvised musicals based on a
suggestion from the audience. At minimum, the shows will have a pianist
(Adam Gincel) and a number of performers who can act and sing
extemporaneously. If the interest and talent is available to include
more instrumentalists, they will of course be welcome! This form of
musical improv will slightly vary from the version which some have seen
Off Center perform in that, in addition to comedic acting, there will
also be an increased focus on music theory and musical improv skills. If
you are interested in either joining or attending the shows of this
club, please fill out our interest form at bit.do/offbeatinterest [1]
and help support the creation of this awesome new performing arts outlet
on campus. 

-Kevin Quigley

[1] http://bit.do/offbeatinterest

Dr. Bethany Reeves
Artist in Residence for Choir and Voice
Music Program Coordinator, DeBaun Performing Arts Center

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