[Choir] MESSIAH calls today (and, a call for help)

breeves breeves at stevens.edu
Sun Dec 7 10:09:26 EST 2014

Dear Choir -

First - if anyone can come by the Music Room at 4:45 and help me get 
scores down to the church, I'd appreciate it. Dave usually does this, 
but I found out Friday that he has to be out of town this weekend. I'd 
also appreciate help getting the scores back up the hill after the Sing.

Here are the MESSIAH calls again (all at St. Matthew's, on the SW corner 
of 8th & Hudson, just a block west of campus) -

6:00 full choir - warm-ups & some review
6:30 break (people start arriving)
7:00 START

Done by somewhere between 8:30 & 9, most likely -

After Sing: reception in church basement

SOLOISTS - Brian, Rachel, Veronica, Justin -

Brian: 5:15 or ideally, closer to 5 (I'll be there at 5)
Rachel, Veronica, Justin: 5:30/35 should work

Note: we have Jen Behnke in at 5:45, singing two big pieces, so please 
don't be late.

Looking forward!

Dr. Bethany Reeves
Artist in Residence for Choir and Voice
Music Program Coordinator, DeBaun Performing Arts Center

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