[Choir] Thanks and caroling!

breeves breeves at stevens.edu
Mon Dec 8 00:18:44 EST 2014


Dear Choir,

Thank you all for a very fun evening of MESSIAH singing!

I would like here to especially thank our student soloists, AND the
following heros:

Mike Marnell, for helping me get scores to St. Matt's
Greg Mercado, for bringing a strong party of singers to the event

I'd further like to thank everyone who brought guests, especially guests
who sang (it was nice meeting your parents, Mary Libera!), AND

Choir members of semesters past who have had to be out recently but who
showed up for this all the same. It's appreciated.

Thank you!


This coming Tuesday 12/9, 7:00 pm

Music Room; we'll warm up & go through some carols & leave at about
7:30; we then carol at specific campus spots for about an hour. At 8:30
we arrive at the -> 

After Party: 
At Dean Bruno's (Alexander House), where we'll have various treats.
They're having a Christmas party generally, and we're invited. We do
have to sing for our cookies. :-)

This is open. By all means, bring friends. And if you cannot come, no
worries, though we'll miss you.

What to wear: 
It will probably be COLD, so keep that in mind. If you have Santa hats,
etc., that's all good. We have a few.

Thank you for a terrific semester, everyone.


Dr. Bethany Reeves
Artist in Residence for Choir and Voice
Music Program Coordinator, DeBaun Performing Arts Center
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