[Choir] Outfits; section leaders

breeves breeves at stevens.edu
Wed Oct 1 20:38:15 EDT 2014

Dear Choir -

Re Section Leaders:

Your Section Leader should be notified, along with myself, if something 
prevents you from attending rehearsal. And, please do not miss rehearsal 
outside of serious emergencies or truly nasty illnesses (a cold doesn't 
qualify). Every person not present as expected means more time needed to 
do review work later, which is not fair to the rest of the ensemble and 
presents an extra challenge to us in terms of getting repertoire ready 
for performance. Thank you.

Your section leaders are:

Sopranos: Kathy Nevola, knevola@
Altos: Michelle Yip, myip@
Tenors: Justin Kilpatrick, jkilpatr@
Baritones/Basses: Brian Voyer, bvoyer@


NEW MEN: I need to get you measured pronto. Please plan to get that done 
tomorrow or Monday at the VERY latest, during Choir's break or by 
staying a couple minutes after. Please also brink check or cash for $60.

NEW WOMEN: I only have one payment in thus far. Please bring $40 in 
check or cash ASAP. Thank you!


Dr. Bethany Reeves
Artist in Residence for Choir and Voice
Music Program Coordinator, DeBaun Performing Arts Center

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