[Choir] For new members

breeves breeves at stevens.edu
Thu Sep 11 23:20:42 EDT 2014

Dear New Members of Choir,

Please know that as of tonight, we're moving out of the "trying out 
Choir for size" period. We've just finished week three of rehearsals, 
and it's time to solidify membership for the semester.

Therefore, if you are planning to withdraw, NOW is the time.

Please do not come to me later on and tell me you must drop. From here 
on in, I must know who is in and who is out for the fall. Late drops 
cause problems in part assignments and balance and are generally 
disrespectful to the ensemble, which is after all a team.

By the way, I am never angry with anyone for choosing to withdraw from 
Choir within this time period, and if you need to pull out, godspeed and 
have a great semester! I AM angry when someone commits to the group and 
then is flaky towards that commitment.

Please do let me know if you are dropping, ASAP.

All best,

Dr. Bethany Reeves
Artist in Residence for Choir and Voice
Music Program Coordinator, DeBaun Performing Arts Center

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