[Choir] Men, women's measurements Saturday -

breeves breeves at stevens.edu
Wed Sep 17 15:03:39 EDT 2014

Dear Choir,

If you are a) a new male member of the Choir, or b) a woman who has not 
yet been measured, please know that one of our altos, Liz Lamb, has 
generously offered to take measurements in the Music Room this coming 
Saturday at 4:30.

Sat will be the first date for men's measurements this semester; we will 
continue next week post-Choir. However, the sooner you can get measured, 
the better.

If you have already been measured, you can disregard this email (see the 
PS below, first). If you haven't, it may be possible to measure a very 
few people Thursday after Choir, but it would be extremely helpful for 
anyone who CAN come Saturday, to come on Saturday.

Please RSVP if you are coming Saturday - but don't say you'll be there 
unless you really do intend to be there. Liz is making special 
arrangements, and her time must be respected. Thanks.

Liz's number: 571-274-1507.

You can RSVP to me at breeves at stevens.edu (do not just hit "reply" - I 
think that'll go to everyone on the list), or sign up on the list I put 
out tomorrow in choir.

Thank you!

(PS: checks/cash for outfits, please - $40/women; and I must double 
check for the men).


Dr. Bethany Reeves
Artist in Residence for Choir and Voice
Music Program Coordinator, DeBaun Performing Arts Center

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