[Choir] Memorial: Saturday 1:30 meet, Music Room

Bethany Reeves breeves at stevens.edu
Thu Nov 19 22:56:27 EST 2015

Dear All,

Dave Zimmerman will be leading a warm-up in the Music Room at 1:30 this Saturday for the 2:00 memorial service just around the corner in the Bissinger Room.

Please wear some combination of black, grey & white. All black, etc. is fine - you don't need all three. These color requests are just to ensure some level of uniformity. If you are still at a loss, wear the darkest garments you have (i.e, dark blue).

FYI: alumni and other friends who knew the young men are welcome to sing, so long as they have a reasonable level of acquaintance with "Seasons of Love" ("Remember" will not be on the service).

President's Ensemble people: please note that "Seasons" will be done without the cut you generally take.

I'll leave music out for anyone who doesn't already have it.

I regret very much to say I myself won't be there, as the memorial fell at one of the few times I just can't be on campus. In this case, the conflict is a long-scheduled prior commitment that can't be changed. If you also have such a commitment, understood. This is very sudden. However, anyone who can be there, should be there.

Dave will be leading "Seasons" from the keyboard, which will be arranged so that you can see him.

Thank you very much for this.



Dr. Bethany Reeves
Director, Stevens Choir & DeBaun PAC Voice Studio
Music Program Coordinator, DeBaun Performing Arts Center
Stevens Institute of Technology
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