[Choir] Section Leaders - email them if ill, etc.

Bethany Reeves breeves at stevens.edu
Mon Sep 28 23:39:45 EDT 2015

Dear All,

Here are the Section Leaders for Fall 2015:

Sopranos: Veronica Pidduck, vpidduck at stevens.edu

Altos: Allison Butler, abutler at stevens.edu

Tenors: Justin Kilpatrick, jkilpatr at stevens.edu

Baritones/Basses: Anthony Campesi, acampesi at stevens.edu

For clarity: Brian Voyer and Justin Kilpatrick are our "directors of sectional rehearsals," along with myself.

Please contact your Section Leader (and cc me) if an emergency causes you to miss a rehearsal. Please DO arrange your time so that "emergency" actually means that. This is particularly vital for those who are only able to attend once per week to begin with. Please be responsible to the ensemble. Thank you.

Re illness: if you are unable to sing but are not contagious and are well enough to attend, please DO attend and take up residence in one of the "sickie chairs" at the west side of the room. In that spot, please pay close attention to the rehearsal.

Thank you for a very good rehearsal tonight, folks!



Dr. Bethany Reeves
Director, Stevens Choir & DeBaun PAC Voice Studio
Music Program Coordinator, DeBaun Performing Arts Center
Stevens Institute of Technology
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