[Choir] Fw: Barbershop info -

Bethany Reeves breeves at stevens.edu
Mon Feb 22 23:07:01 EST 2016

Dear Choir -

In the event any of you are interested in barbershop singing, please note this information sent by Choir alumnus Dylan Lupo:

I wanted to let you know of a barbershop history event that Voices of Gotham is producing that you or someone you may know find interesting.

The weekend of March 19th through March 20th we will be producing a series called Lock and Ring, which includes two workshops on barbershop arranging on Saturday and culminates in a concert/lecture at Symphony Space on Saturday. This will feature performances from Voices of Gotham, Sirens of Gotham, and an area quartet, Da Capo, as woven into a lecture on the history of barbershop music by Dr. David Wright, barbershop historian and arranger and professionally a professor and Chair of the Mathematics Department at Washington University in St. Louis<http://www.math.wustl.edu/~wright/>.

If you are interested or know anyone who would be interested in this event please let me know and I can get you further information.

The facebook event is here<https://www.facebook.com/events/966725333382617/> and more information on the workshops and concert lecture can be found here<http://www.voicesofgotham.org/lock-and-ring>.

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