[Choir] Outfits are in; need payments & fittings -

Bethany Reeves breeves at stevens.edu
Fri Nov 4 19:47:40 EDT 2016

Dear All,

This is for those of you who are new to the ensemble this semester.

Dresses and tuxes have arrived. We need to do three things -

1. Be sure they fit. ? Please find time next week to try on your pieces. This needs to happen right away, so we can send back any pieces that don't work. After a certain point we can't send them back.

You can come by next week anytime between 1:00 & 9:30 on Monday, between 1:00 & 5:00 Tuesday, between 12:30 & 9:00 Thursday, or between 1:00 & 6:00 next Friday (re M/Th: don't do this DURING Choir, but before/after/during break is fine).

I'll have the big box'o'outfits available as you come in the room. Please pull things NEATLY, and be sure NOT to mess up the post-its on the various pieces. If your pieces fit, take them with you.

2. Take measurements for hems - ?times as yet TBA, but I may get started by Monday. Please check your closets for performance shoes; you'll need them when we do measurements.

3. Collect payment: $45 for dresses, $60 for tuxes.  Please bring cash or check. Duckbills are possible, but you'd need to arrange that with Robert Gonzales, who works in the office next to mine (closest to the hallway). Checks should be made out to Stevens Institute of Technology, and should have "Choir outfit" in the topic line.


Dr. Bethany Reeves
Director, Stevens Choir & DeBaun PAC Voice Studio
Music Program Coordinator, DeBaun Performing Arts Center
Stevens Institute of Technology
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