[Choir] UPDATED - Summer Acting Workshop - date adjustments

Bethany Reeves breeves at stevens.edu
Mon May 20 23:19:27 EDT 2019

Dear All,

I've made some changes to the summer acting workshop. This year the final week fell on very inconvenient dates, and my sense is that some otherwise interested actors might be holding off because they're going to be gone on the Presentation dates, which are just too close to July 4.

With that in mind, I'm adjusting the structure a bit so those who can't do the Presentation dates can still participate in the rest of the class.



ACTING CLASS ANNOUNCEMENT, including several updates, especially regarding DATES

DeBaun Performing Arts Center is offering a summer acting workshop to members of the Stevens community. The workshop will be taught by Bethany Reeves.

Our sessions will cover various aspects of acting craft. Each summer I choose an area for special focus, and this summer's choice is on developing a character. Everyone will have some specific monologue work and exercises in service of developing this skill set. It will require some homework.

This focus will continue into scenework, along with attention to other skills.

The workshop will culminate in two evenings of Scene Presentations. Dramatic material from Ibsen and Chekhov forward is generally stressed in scene selections.


  *   This is a not-for-credit workshop.
  *   No experience necessary.
  *   The workshop is free of charge, though all participants will be expected to borrow or purchase a play script for scenework.
  *   Initial character development exercises will involve use of Edgar Lee Masters' "Spoon River Anthology." Students may obtain their own copy (get the full collection of poems, not the play), or borrow one from DeBaun PAC (deposit: $10, to be returned when the book is returned).

  *   DATES:
  *   Blue parts are new -
     *   PLEASE NOTE THAT because our presentation dates fall inconveniently close to July 4, students are not required to participate in the last week of class or the official Presentation evenings (July 5 & 6).
     *   I will need to know who will be in and who will be out during that week, as it will affect scene assignments.
     *   An earlier date may be chosen for less formal presentations of monologues and perhaps any scenes that are far enough along for an audience. Friends & family welcome. Probable date: Wednesday June 26 or Monday July 1.
     *   Classes are on most Monday and Wednesday evenings from May 29 to July 3, 7:00-10pm (wiggle room available for work & class conflict issues).
     *   No class on Wednesday June 12; it is also probable that we'll do a "field trip" into the city on Wednesday June 5 to attend a play reading featuring some recent Stevens alumni.
     *   SCENE PRESENTATIONS for all who are available: Friday July 5 & Saturday July 6, 8pm, DeBaun
  *   Each actor will be assigned a monologue or scene for performance. Scenes require actors to rehearse with scene partners outside of class.
  *   Timely memorization is expected on both material for performance and the "Spoon River" work.

If you are interested but have not taken an acting class before, please contact me for an interview so you have a clear idea of what's involved. This also applies if you have been onstage but never in a class.

Of necessity there will be a limit on number of students. Please contact me directly, and soon, if interested!

All best,

Bethany Reeves

Dr. Bethany Reeves
Director, Stevens Choir & DeBaun PAC Voice Studio
Music Program Coordinator, DeBaun Performing Arts Center
Stage Director/Teacher, DeBaun Shakespeare & Summer Theatre Projects
Stevens Institute of Technology

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