[Choir] Vocal coachings; repeat of Topics Zoom links

Bethany Reeves breeves at stevens.edu
Wed Aug 26 21:03:12 EDT 2020

Dear Stevens Choir,

In this very strange semester I'd like to up the "choir coachings" part of Choir, since there's no actual...well, CHOIR.

If you have a private space to sing in and would like some private or possibly small-group online vocal coaching, please know that I'll be looking to offer some time between the following hours:

Mondays: 12 noon-6:00pm
Tuesdays: 12 noon-7:00pm
Wednesdays: 12 noon-7:00pm
Thursdays: 12 noon-6:00pm

Please let me know if you'd be interested!

All best,

PS - Most of you already have the information on the Monday and Thursday Zoom talks, but as a couple more people have been added to the Choir list in the past couple days, please forgive me for pasting it in again below:

Topics in Choral Music, 7-8:30ish on Monday nights. Zoom / Not an official class; no credit, no fee; come whenever you like; all welcome.
Each week I'll pick a topic to explore that I hope will interest you and perhaps even serve you well beyond your Stevens years in future choral adventures. Expect some history, some of the truly great repertoire, the whys and whats of various musical developments, some IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) particularly useful for choral music...we'll listen to performances and look at scores and go on a joyride with great music from varying genres, including modern non-classical ones.

All Recurring:
Link: https://stevens.zoom.us/j/93149677869
Meeting ID: 931 4967 7869
Dial by your location:  +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
One tap mobile: +19292056099,,93149677869# US (New York)
Find your local number: https://stevens.zoom.us/u/adZiGHqHUo
Join by SIP:  93149677869 at zoomcrc.com
Join by H.323: (US East)

If there are topics for either evening you'd particularly like to explore, let me know. I may also be looking for some vocal volunteers for the Thursdays.

Re Choir for credit - credit for the major ensembles is being tabled by Stevens until we are again able to operate as performing groups.
Re "All Welcome" - please feel very free to share this information with other students who might be interested in either or both sets of topics, particularly new students! No prior membership in Choir or the Voice Studio is needed, or even past musical experience.

Topics in Singing, 7-8:30ish on Thursday nights. Zoom. / Not an official class; no credit, no fee; come whenever you like; all welcome.
This is the place to come for All Things Voice. I'll be going over some intro anatomy & physiology, best practices for breath management, issues in vocal health, registration ("chest", "head," and those pesky "break" areas), resonance factors/vowels (here liveth the Vowel Tree!), to-vibrato-or-not-to-vibrato, etc. and so on. I'll also do some sessions focusing on the necessary techniques for certain kinds of repertoire - i.e. how to approach Broadway, classical, and pop styles in ways that are both vocally healthy and that "sound right" (that is, that are stylistically appropriate).

All Recurring:
Link: https://stevens.zoom.us/j/99283967699
Meeting ID: 992 8396 7699
Dial by your location: +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
One tap mobile: +19292056099,,99283967699# US (New York)
Find your local number: https://stevens.zoom.us/u/acY5jRU7yi
Join by SIP: 99283967699 at zoomcrc.com
Join by H.323: (US East)

Dr. Bethany Reeves
Director, Stevens Choir & DeBaun PAC Voice Studio
Music Program Coordinator, DeBaun Performing Arts Center
Stage Director/Acting Teacher, DeBaun Theatre Projects
Stevens Institute of Technology

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