[Choir] Fw: God of Carnage Auditions

Bethany Reeves breeves at stevens.edu
Mon Feb 3 23:47:35 EST 2020

Dear All -

This is for those of you interested in modern theatre (not musical!), from Daniel Cesare:

For those of you that haven't heard, the Stevens Dramatic Society will be putting on our first Second Stage Production this semester!

God of Carnage by Yasmina Reza, translated by Christopher Hampton
Performances the Weekend of May 1st

First a quick synopsis: A playground altercation between eleven-year-old boys brings together two sets of Brooklyn parents for a meeting to resolve the matter. At first, diplomatic niceties are observed, but as the meeting progresses, and the rum flows, tensions emerge and the gloves come off, leaving the couples with more than just their liberal principles in tatters. (via Dramatists Play Service, Inc.<https://nam02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dramatists.com%2Fcgi-bin%2Fdb%2Fsingle.asp%3Fkey%3D4111&data=02%7C01%7Cbreeves%40stevens.edu%7C637d32d9e98f40a93cb808d7a9068f8e%7C8d1a69ec03b54345ae21dad112f5fb4f%7C0%7C0%7C637163717991755580&sdata=pbphvdXVihV8hjXu5x6z9GohVGU4umUpzkfS20Cr%2BM0%3D&reserved=0>)

For those interested in acting, please sign up on this doodle <https://nam02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fdoodle.com%2Fpoll%2Fx72f65u7ib3c6434&data=02%7C01%7Cbreeves%40stevens.edu%7C637d32d9e98f40a93cb808d7a9068f8e%7C8d1a69ec03b54345ae21dad112f5fb4f%7C0%7C0%7C637163717991765575&sdata=ywN5d223Ur6xkXzal%2BabrwFl%2FRlqXvFc8fs1bBzVLTw%3D&reserved=0> for an audition slot. They are this week from 2/5 to 2/7, upon availability. Try to read the entire play before coming into auditions and be ready for some conversations about the play, as well as the character you are reading for. The full script can be easily found on Scribd! Sides and location will be sent out in the confirmation email for your time.

For those interested in tech, please email Emily Weeks and I with some ideas about design ideas, feelings on the show, and your availability in this semester. Please feel free to reach out even if you have no tech experience!

Thank you!
Daniel Cesare
Stevens Institute of Technology
Music and Technology '21

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