Bethany Reeves breeves at stevens.edu
Tue Mar 31 17:42:54 EDT 2020

Dear Choir!

Those of you in the "Choir in the Corona Lane" ZOOM get-together last night have already heard a bit about this. Here's the scoop:

  *   With Music & Tech/Choir alum Will Stackpole, I'm planning virtual choir videos of "Witness" and "The Alma Mater" to involve Choir alumni and present members.
  *   ​I'm also hoping to do "Sicut cervus" with this semester's Choir.
  *   Music & Tech alumni are pitching in on the tech side. Current Music & Tech majors - can you help out?
  *   ​The CUNY (City University of NY) system is doing a virtual choir project that got underway before the stay-at-home orders. It's being spearheaded by the head of my own department at CUNY's Borough of Manhattan Community College (I teach there as well as at Stevens). Dr. Yau is delighted to welcome singers regardless of affiliation or lack thereof with CUNY.
  *   SO, here's the link. Even if you don't sing either of the songs, looking around at what they're doing will give you an idea of what singing in a virtual choir entails.


  *   More later, as Will & I get up to speed on how to launch this.

I enjoyed last night and was happy to see some of you there! The music lag is always going to be an issue for those of us who stay connected through the sings (as opposed to turning off the ZOOM audio for the duration and enjoying your own singalong to a given video), but the togetherness is what counts most.

Hope to see many of you Thursday, 7pm Eastern. Stay safe!


Dr. Bethany Reeves
Director, Stevens Choir & DeBaun PAC Voice Studio
Music Program Coordinator, DeBaun Performing Arts Center
Stage Director/Teacher, DeBaun Shakespeare & Summer Theatre Projects
Stevens Institute of Technology

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