[Habitat_for_Humanity] E-Board Nominations!

Kyra DiFrancesco kdifranc at stevens.edu
Thu Mar 23 22:09:10 EDT 2017

Hey Everyone,

Habitat will be holding E-board elections on April 3rd at 9:00 P.M.
Nominations for positions are due April 30th at 11:59 P.M.

The E-board positions are as follows:

   - President
   - Vice President
   - Treasurer
   - Secretary
   - Social Chair

In order to be eligible to run for a position (i.e. nominate yourself), you
must have gone on at least one build before (or have had a history of
attempting to sign up for builds) or have gone on any previous spring break
trip. Attendance to GBMs is also a plus. Basically, you need to be part of
the club.

If you are interested in running for a position, please email me your full
name, CWID, and position(s) you would like to run for, or if you're unsure
feel free to ask about what certain positions entail.

Please keep in mind that if you are running for a position, attendance is
mandatory the night of elections.

Questions? Just email habitat at stevens.edu!

Lots of Love,

Your Habitat E-board
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