[SDS] Meeting

Natalie Arndt narndt at stevens.edu
Mon Nov 5 11:15:28 EST 2007

Hello Everybody!

Well, it would seem that between Rocky Horror, move-in, and general 
show business, I forgot to announce the next general body meeting - 
which is actually scheduled for this coming Wednesday, November 7th at 
9:00 in E 222.

I realize that it's short notice, but the meeting will be brief, so I 
encourage you to try to make it. We'll be filling out some remaining 
jobs for the Much Ado production, so if you haven't had a chance to get 
involved (or just want to do some more!), this would be a good meeting 
to make!

As always, if you cannot make it, please email sds at stevens.edu ASAP to 
let us know.

See you soon!

Natalie Arndt
Stevens Dramatic Society

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