[SDS] Congratulations!

Natalie Arndt narndt at stevens.edu
Mon Nov 19 13:16:39 EST 2007

Hey everyone!

I just wanted to congratulate everybody on a wonderful production and a 
job well done. I've received more compliments than I could properly 
reccount, and think you guys should give yourselves a well-deserved pat 
on the back.

But I also wanted to share with you that last night, I attended the SGA 
meeting, where the SGA presented the Dramatic Society with a 
resolution. Basically, this means they enjoyed the show so much that 
they decided to formally vote on the matter. So it was unanimously 
voted last night that SDS rocks!

I've attached the resolution for you guys to read, and I hope you 
realize just how proud you should be!

Thanks for all your hard work, and have a wonderful Thanksgiving break 
(you can sleep now!)!

Natalie Arndt
Stevens Dramatic Society
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