[Sds] Internal Publicity Committee

Frank Riccobono friccobo at stevens.edu
Wed Sep 19 01:16:07 EDT 2007

Hello all,

It's me, your friendly neighborhood publicity manager.  I am trying to 
bring back the Dramatic Society internal publicity committee to help me 
design and create various advertising materials for the fall show.  
Being a part of this committee can be as big or as small of a time 
commitment as you want it to be.  You can be a part of it if you do 
anything from drawing some sketches to simply offering input on ideas 
being thrown around. Any help whatsoever will not go unappreciated.  I'm 
looking for creative and artistic individuals help me come up with new 
ideas or help me bring my existing ideas to life. 

The SGA, with their creation of the SGA Publicity Committee is trying to 
encourage us to try and find more creative ways of advertising outside 
of only flashy posters.  I think this is a great idea, so I am open to 
any and all suggestions no matter how outlandish.  If you have any ideas 
for video advertisements, public performances, or anything of the sort, 
please do propose them.

If you are interested in becoming part of the committee, please email me 
at friccobo at stevens.edu.

Thank you.

Frank Riccobono
Publicity Manager, SDS

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