[SDS] Nominations and Show Wrap Up

Frank Riccobono friccobo at stevens.edu
Tue Apr 7 02:00:53 EDT 2009

To the Stevens Dramatic Society,

Firstly I need to stress again how impressed I am with the quality of 
your most recent production. I have attached some of the congratulatory 
emails the alias has received to the bottom of this message for you to 

Secondly it is time to take care a a few more things before the semester 
comes to a close:

    Nomination of members for executive board positions will open on 
April 12th. Descriptions of the positions and the requirements for 
nomination can be found on the website at 
http://www.stevens.edu/sds/wiki/index.php?title=Bylaws . To nominate 
someone simply send their name to SDS at stevens.edu 
<mailto:SDS at stevens.edu> . All executive board positions are 
up-for-grabs except for Larry's (one of the two Members at large). 
Nominations will close on April 19th.

    Post-Show wrap up meeting and nomination meeting will be held on 
April 15th in E222. This is an important time to review our work and 
discuss how we can improve ourselves next year. It is also an excellent 
time to nominate a candidate in person.

    The election meeting will be held on April 22nd in E222. This 
meeting is tremendously important as it will determines much about the 
course of the upcoming year. If you want your voice to be heard, I'd 
recommend attending.

Thank you again and I look forward to seeing you at the meetings.

Brian Dunican
President, SDS

*Fron:* Jane Gilbarty



What a wonderful show. I truly enjoyed the entire cast.


It was fantastic.


Congratulations again.


Jane Gilbarty

Student Life

*From:* Al Bentley [mailto:Al at AandS.com]
*Sent:* Saturday, April 04, 2009 12:20 AM
*To:* David Zimmerman
*Subject:* Great night


Hi Dave,


just got home, still singing,

the DS production was great fun,

and you may have had your sold-out house tonight,

certainly no visible open seats in the orchestra.


All the best,


Al Bentley '65


DS 1961-1964


*From:* Dave Zimmerman

Hi Everyone,

CONGRATULATIONS to you all on a great production! Beauty and the Beast 
is one of the best shows I have seen DS produce over the last decade. I 
really enjoyed myself last night, as did the rest of the audience. 
Break-a-leg tonight and tomorrow night as well!


*From:* Tom Berger

ladies and gents,

i also wanted to say a huge thanks again, for all of your hard work and 
dedication.  Robert and i had a wonderful time and i've heard nothing 
but good things from the staff and audience (they're probably just being 
polite, but i'll take what i can get).  you had a wonderful and you have 
a wonderful organization, so keep it going!  i sincerely hope we get a 
chance to work together again and, in the meantime, keep me posted with 
what you're up to and i'll do my best to get out and support it.  thanks 


p.s. it's possible over the summer that reDirections, my pro company in 
the city, might need some interns; let me know if anyone's interested!

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