[SDS] Fall Play Announcement: Murdered to Death

Elizabeth Lamb e.lamb92 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 6 14:48:34 EDT 2012

Hello Society,

I hope you are all enjoying your summer, while the Executive Board has been
working hard to narrow down the show choices, to purchase rights, and to
hire a director.  We received conformation of rights this week and are
pleased to announce we will be producing Peter Gordon's *Murdered to
Death.*With almost unanimous consensus among the General Body, we hope
to see a
great deal of participation from all of our members.  Below is a short
summary from the show's website <http://www.petergordonplays.com/MTD.htm>,
please feel free to do your own research as well.

This hilarious spoof of the Agatha Christie genre is set in a country manor
> house in the 1930s, with an assembled cast of characters guaranteed to
> delight.
> The play introduces the inept and bungling Inspector Pratt, who battles
> against the odds and his own incompetence to solve the murder of the
> house's owner. It soon becomes clear that the murderer isn't finished yet,
> but will the miscreant be unmasked before everyone else has met their doom,
> or will the audience die laughing first?

Now, that we have picked the show.  We are looking for a production
manager, a stage manager, and the rest of the production board.  I
encourage everyone who is even considering applying to talk with us. It is
always an exciting process and a great experience to be a part of the
production team.  This society is truly what you make of it and we should
take pride in being entirely student-run.  The applications will be sent
out next week.

If you have other questions always feel free to contact the
alias<sds at stevens.edu>.
I look forward to working on this show with all of you and lets hit the
ground running


Elizabeth H. Lamb
Mechanical Engineer CO-OP '15
Stevens Institute of Technology
Vice President, Stevens Dramatic Society
Publicity Manager, SITTV
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