[SDS] Updates and Production Board Application for "Murdered to Death"

Elizabeth Lamb elamb at stevens.edu
Sat Jul 14 12:47:58 EDT 2012

Hello Everyone,

As another week of the summer has passed by, the Executive board has
accomplished many of the goals for the week.  To give you an update of what
is going on, a few of the tasks completed this week are listed below.

   - The office clean-up is still in progress to prepare for the new and
   upcoming Open Office Hours.  These times will be announced in the near
   future, but they will be times that the SDS Office Door will be open with
   one or more Executive Board members there to help you.  If you have
   questions for the Executive Board, if you are interested in looking at
   archived files, t-shirts, posters and more, or interested in our library of
   plays, musicals, and other books about the craft of theater, please stop by.
   - The office computer has been brought back to life! It is currently
      running Windows XP, thanks to our former President DJ Chapman,
and the Tech
      Center visited our office today and gave us Al Gore's gift to man, the
      - There is a working printer and scanner if you would like to make
      copies of any of our resources.
      - We will be posting an index of the books we have, author, dates,
      and ISBN numbers for easy reference.
      - A long-lost network storage space was rediscovered this week and
   all digital files will be now on kept there and on the office computer.  If
   you are interested in reviewing these files please contact the Executive
   Board and we will be happy to allow you to do so. We would like to invite
   everyone who has held a position on a Production Board to share their files
   with us, as digital "binders," for the access of future members.
   - Directorial candidate interviews will take place this weekend. We
   believe there are a few very promising applicants and are excited for the 9
   hours of interviews coming up.
   - A T-Shirt design is already in progress and the designs for the
   promotional items at the Club's Fair are ready to go. (Think Tattoos!)
   - *Murdered to Death* scripts will be coming in soon.

I hope everyone is getting excited for the Fall, I know I am!

Most importantly, as the subject of this email states attached are the
applications for Production Board positions.  The first positions to be
filled will be the Production Manager and Stage Manager so please get you
applications in as soon as you can.  The deadline for these two
applications will be August 6th at 5pm.  The remainder of applications will
be due the following Monday, August 20th at 5pm.  This year we will be
allowing people to audition with a pending application for a Production
Board position; however, the application must be by the deadline. We will
be finalizing the decision after casting has been completed.  So, please
submit an application or contact the Executive Board if you are interested.

Finally, we urge you, if in Hoboken, to attend The Theater Company's
production of *Pirates of Penzance*. It opened last night on the waterfront
and I heard it went swimmingly.  It continues tonight and next weekend,
July 14, 15 and 20, 21, 22 at 7pm.  It will be held at Frank Sinatra Park,
at 5th Street. Members of the Executive Board will be attending tonight and
we hope you join us.



Elizabeth H. Lamb
Mechanical Engineer CO-OP '15
Stevens Institute of Technology
Vice President, Stevens Dramatic Society
Publicity Manager, SITTV
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