[SDS] First AD day tomorrow!

Colin Gliech gliechc at gmail.com
Wed Oct 17 01:21:55 EDT 2012

Hey Everyone,

Just a reminder that tomorrow between 2PM and 5PM is the first ad day
period. It is never too late to sign up, and you don't even need to sign up
to show up. The group will be meeting in the SDS office on the second floor
of Jonas and we will devise our ad-selling strategy from there. Here
is the google
sign up again. Remember
*spending one hour to sell ads before October 27th is mandatory to be part
of the production*. NO EXCEPTIONS. Also, if you can't make any of the ad
days, shoot me an email and I will try to set up another time or make
alternative arrangements.



Colin R. Gliech

Stevens Institute of Technology, Chemical Biology 2015
Stevens Dramatic Society, Publicity Manager 2012-2013
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