[SDS] Workshops and Facebook Links

Elizabeth Lamb elamb at stevens.edu
Wed Sep 19 00:56:04 EDT 2012


Jumping right into business... <http://www.facebook.com/sds1910>
(The Captions are Facebook
GBM is 10/3]

ACTING WORKSHOP <http://www.facebook.com/events/494264480585239/?ref=ts>
Wanted to give everyone a final reminder about the upcoming *acting workshop
*.  It will be held* this Saturday, the 22nd, in the Fielding Room - 3rd
Floor Howe from 3pm - 6pm*.  *Dr. Bethany Reeves*, Stevens Choir Director
and Voice Coach, will be leading the event and is very excited about the
whole affair.  I have included her words below to prepare the attendees.

But, a few hard facts first.  There are *still spots available though we
are pushing a cap*.  This means it is vital to attend if your name is on
the included list.  If you can no longer attend please contact the
Executive Board as soon as possible and we will remove you from the roster.
 Similarly, if you would like to attend please also contact the Executive
Board as soon as possible so we can give you one of the remaining spots or
put you at the beginning of the waiting list.

TECHNICAL WORKSHOP <http://www.facebook.com/events/501255339903095/>
The following week there will also be a workshop for the more technically
inclined.  This workshop will be on *September 29th, 4-6 PM, located in the
Backstage area of the DeBaun Auditorium, focusing on Scenic and Lighting
Design techniques, held by Carl Russell*, one of the three men who runs the
DeBaun Center for Performing Arts.  This workshop is also filling up
quickly, so please RSVP while there are still openings.

It's time to do the time warp again!  "Rocky" auditions are rapidly
approaching and I hope you all are unpacking your whips and chains because
you will need them this *Monday and Tuesday the 24th and 25th, 9PM in P116*.
*Show nights are the 2nd and 3rd of November.*

*We plan to make a video advertisement for the Society in a collaboration
project with another Stevens Club.  There will be an opportunity to design
a story board, write the screen-play, act in the commercial, choose the
soundtrack, and help edit the footage. The Publicity Manager, Colin Gliech,
will be orchestrating this project, so please feel free to contact him
though the alias about involvement.
TOM FOOLERY <http://www.facebook.com/stevenstap60>
In addition to the Society and Off Center there is another theatrical
organization on campus made of talented students and alumni.  It is
called, Theta
Alpha Phi <http://www.stevens.edu/tap/index.html>, and they are the premier
Theater Honor Society.  Shortly before our own show debuts they will
produce a musical of their own. From their Facebook page, "Tom Foolery is a
look into the witty, wicked, offbeat and thoroughly twisted world of famed
satirical songwriter Tom Lehrer. In concerts, television appearances and a
series of now-classic recordings, the Harvard-educated math professor
delighted millions of fans during the 1950's and 60's with his dry, cynical
but good-humored attacks on the A-bomb, racism, pollution, pornography, the
military, the boy scouts and, of course, mathematics. "Nothing is sacred in
this hysterical revue featuring such Lehrer favorites as “Poisoning Pigeons
In The Park,” “When You Are Old And Grey,” “The Masochism Tango,” “The Old
Dope Peddler,” “The Vatican Rag” and an unforgettable Gilbert and
Sullivan-esque recitation of the table of elements, linked together with
his own inimitable concert patter."  With many of our own current members
and alumni involved I hope everyone attends on* October 12th and 13th at
8PM in the DeBaun Center for Performing Arts*.

*Words from Dr. Reeves*

> In this three-hour workshop, we will explore some of the most important
> foundations of the art of acting. Elements of the actor's craft including
> objectives & intentions, actions & tools, obstacles, stakes, and status
> will be addressed via participatory exercises, improvisation and
> discussion. A physical and vocal warm-up will be included in the session.
> Everyone should come in clothing that's easy to move in, wear close-toed
> shoes, and be ready to focus. They should be ready to set aside what they
> already know in favor of allowing themselves to explore new territory. They
> should know that this is not about performing or being fabulous or being
> funny (though if that happens within the course of exercises, great). It's
> about learning the core reason "acting" is called "acting" - that is, it's
> about learning to play actions (and, if we have time, to explore status a
> little).
> This workshop must be a "safe space." That is, everyone needs to be
> genuinely mutually supportive towards everyone else. Generally in this kind
> of class, it needs to be agreed that for maximum freedom of exploration,
> all agree to an honor code that says there will be no discussing the work
> of others post-class. Of course people can discuss their OWN work, but that
> of others is off-limits.

For a series of five Thursday evenings (10/4 to 11/1) from 9:10 to 10:00
pm, workshops on having fun with Shakespeare and his language will be given
in the Music Room. These workshops can be taken for their own sake and/or
as preparation for auditions for this year's Shakespeare project, "The
Comedy of Errors." Auditions for "Comedy" are tentatively scheduled for
December 11; performances will be on February 1 & 2.


Elizabeth H. Lamb
Mechanical Engineer CO-OP '15
Stevens Institute of Technology
Vice President, Stevens Dramatic Society
Publicity Manager, SITTV
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